C_node | |
►CAlgorithm | Algorithm base class |
CAlgAEliGpea2 | Asynchronous elimination global parallel algorithm (outdated version) |
CAlgNSGA2 | |
CArtificialBeeColony | Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (see e.g. http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Artificial_bee_colony_algorithm) |
CClonalg | Clonal Selection Algorithm (see e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clonal_Selection_Algorithm) |
CCuckooSearch | Cuckoo search (CS) optimization algorithm (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuckoo_search) |
CDifferentialEvolution | Differential evolution (DE) optimization algorithm (see e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differential_evolution) |
CElimination | Elimination (generation gap) algorithm with roulette wheel elimination selection operator |
CEvolutionStrategy | (mu/rho +/, lambda) - Evolution Strategy (ES) algorithm |
CGenHookeJeeves | New algorithm, in development |
CGeneticAnnealing | Genetic annealing algorithm (see e.g. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=, http://drdobbs.com/architecture-and-design/184409333?pgno=10) |
CMyAlg | |
COptIA | Optimization Immune Algorithm (opt-IA, see e.g. http://www.artificial-immune-systems.org/algorithms.shtml) |
►CParallelAlgorithm | Parallel algorithm base class |
CAlgAEliGpea | Asynchronous elimination global parallel algorithm |
CAlgSGenGpea | Synchronous generational global parallel algorithm |
CParticleSwarmOptimization | Particle swarm optimization algorithm (see e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle_swarm_optimization) |
CRandomSearch | Random search algorithm |
CRouletteWheel | Generational algorithm with roulette wheel selection operator |
►CSolver | |
CSolverEvolutionStrategy | |
CSolverSHC | |
CSolverTournamentEA | |
CSteadyStateTournament | Steady state algorithm with tournament elimination operator |
CXCS | XCS classifier system |
CQKD::Attack | |
CQKD::Basis | |
Cquantum::Basis | |
Ccartesian::CartesianGene | |
CClassifier | Classifier class that holds all parameters and pointer to individual to which the parameters belong |
CComm::Communicator | Communicator class for interprocess communication |
Calgebra::ComplexHelper | |
CCrossover | Crossover class - handles crossover of individuals (as opposed to CrossoverOp class that crosses genotypes) |
►CCrossoverOp | CrossoverOp base class |
CBinary::BinaryCrsHalfUniform | Binary genotype: half uniform crossover operator |
CBinary::BinaryCrsMasked | Binary genotype: masked crossover operator. Described on http://www.tomaszgwiazda.com/maskedX.htm. Evolve only one child instead of two as described on-line |
CBinary::BinaryCrsNonGeometric | Binary genotype: non geometric crossover operator |
CBinary::BinaryCrsOnePoint | Binary genotype: one point crossover operator |
CBinary::BinaryCrsRandomRespectful | Binary genotype: random respectful crossover operator. Described on http://www.tomaszgwiazda.com/RandomRX.htm. Evolve only one child instead of two as described on-line |
CBinary::BinaryCrsReducedSurrogate | Binary genotype: reduced surrogate crossover operator |
CBinary::BinaryCrsSegmented | Binary genotype: segmented crossover operator |
CBinary::BinaryCrsShuffle | Binary genotype: shuffle crossover operator |
CBinary::BinaryCrsTwoPoint | Binary genotype: two point crossover operator |
CBinary::BinaryCrsUniform | Binary genotype: uniform crossover operator |
CBitString::BitStringCrsOnePoint | BitString genotype: one point crossover operator |
CBitString::BitStringCrsUniform | BitString genotype uniform crossover operator |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsArithmetic | FloatingPoint genotype: offspring is defined as a linear combination of two vectors |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsArithmeticSimple | FloatingPoint genotype: take recombination point k. Child 1 is parent1 until k, rest is arithmetic average of parents |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsArithmeticSingle | FloatingPoint genotype: take random allele k. That point is arithmetic average of parents, other points are from parents |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsAverage | FloatingPoint genotype: child is average value of parent genes |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsBga | FloatingPoint genotype: BGA crossover (http://bib.irb.hr/datoteka/640222.CEC_2013.pdf, http://sci2s.ugr.es/publications/ficheros/IJIS-2003-18-3-309-338.PDF) |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsBlx | FloatingPoint genotype: value on allele i is random value taken from min-max interval from parents plus/minus difference times rand |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsBlxAlpha | FloatingPoint genotype: BLX alpha crossover (http://bib.irb.hr/datoteka/640222.CEC_2013.pdf) |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsBlxAlphaBeta | FloatingPoint genotype: BLX alpha-beta crossover (http://bib.irb.hr/datoteka/640222.CEC_2013.pdf) |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsDiscrete | FloatingPoint genotype: allele value for each gene is either from parent1 or from parent2 with equal probability |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsFlat | FloatingPoint genotype: value on allele i is random value taken from min-max interval from parents |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsHeuristic | FloatingPoint genotype: value on allele i smaller gene value + rand value * (greater - smaller value) |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsLocal | FloatingPoint genotype: local crossover (http://bib.irb.hr/datoteka/640222.CEC_2013.pdf) |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsOnePoint | FloatingPoint genotype: one point crossover operator with permissible split points only between dimensions |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsRandom | FloatingPoint genotype: random crossover, for testing purposes |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsSbx | FloatingPoint genotype: SBX crossover (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=, http://www.iitk.ac.in/kangal/papers/k2011017.pdf) |
CGEPChromosome::GEPChromosomeCrsGene | GEPChromosome genotype: gene crx operator. Selects a gene number and swaps it between both parents |
CGEPChromosome::GEPChromosomeCrsOnePoint | GEPChromosome genotype: one point crx operator. Selects a crossing point from which to exchange genetic information |
CGEPChromosome::GEPChromosomeCrsTwoPoint | GEPChromosome genotype: two point crx operator. Selects two crossing points between which to exchange genetic information |
CIntGenotype::IntGenotypeCrxAverage | |
CIntGenotype::IntGenotypeCrxOp | |
CIntGenotype::IntGenotypeCrxOp | |
CIntGenotype::IntGenotypeCrxTwoPoint | |
CPermutation::PermutationCrsCOSA | Permutation genotype: COSA crossover operator (adapted from HeuristicLab) |
CPermutation::PermutationCrsCyclic | Permutation genotype: Cyclic crossover operator (see e.g. http://www.rubicite.com/Tutorials/GeneticAlgorithms/CrossoverOperators/CycleCrossoverOperator.aspx) |
CPermutation::PermutationCrsCyclic2 | Permutation genotype: Cyclic version 2 crossover operator (adapted from HeuristicLab) |
CPermutation::PermutationCrsDPX | Permutation genotype: DPX crossover operator (see e.g. itc.ktu.lt/itc342/Misev342.pdf) |
CPermutation::PermutationCrsOBX | Permutation genotype: Order based crossover operator (see e.g. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2007.10.013) |
CPermutation::PermutationCrsOPX | Permutation genotype: OPX crossover operator (see e.g. itc.ktu.lt/itc342/Misev342.pdf) |
CPermutation::PermutationCrsOX | Permutation genotype: OX crossover operator (see e.g. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2007.10.013) |
CPermutation::PermutationCrsOX2 | Permutation genotype: Order crossover operator variant where algorithm starts from the beginning when copying the values from second parent (adapted from HeuristicLab) |
CPermutation::PermutationCrsPBX | Permutation genotype: PBX crossover operator (see e.g. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2007.10.013) |
CPermutation::PermutationCrsPMX | Permutation genotype: PMX crossover operator (see e.g. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2007.10.013) |
CPermutation::PermutationCrsSPX | Permutation genotype: SPX crossover operator (see e.g. itc.ktu.lt/itc342/Misev342.pdf) |
CPermutation::PermutationCrsULX | Permutation genotype: Uniform like crossover operator (see e.g. itc.ktu.lt/itc342/Misev342.pdf) |
CPermutation::PermutationCrsUPMX | Permutation genotype: UMPX crossover operator (see e.g. itc.ktu.lt/itc342/Misev342.pdf) |
CTree::TreeCrxContextPreserved | Tree genotype: context presevation crx operator. Tries to make crossover at the 'same' point in both trees (with the same path from tree root node). Reference: http://dces.essex.ac.uk/staff/rpoli/gp-field-guide/53GPCrossover.html#11_3 |
CTree::TreeCrxHomologous | |
CTree::TreeCrxOnePoint | Tree genotype: one point crx operator. Tries to select a crossing point in parent tree's common region. Reference: http://dces.essex.ac.uk/staff/rpoli/gp-field-guide/53GPCrossover.html#11_3 |
CTree::TreeCrxSimple | Tree genotype: simple tree crossover operator (with default 90% bias toward functional node) Reference: http://dces.essex.ac.uk/staff/rpoli/gp-field-guide/24RecombinationandMutation.html#7_4 |
CTree::TreeCrxSizeFair | Tree genotype: size fair crx operator. Reference: http://dces.essex.ac.uk/staff/rpoli/gp-field-guide/53GPCrossover.html#11_3 |
CTree::TreeCrxUniform | Tree genotype: uniform crx operator. Reference: http://dces.essex.ac.uk/staff/rpoli/gp-field-guide/53GPCrossover.html#11_3 |
CTreeCrxSimple | Tree genotype: simple tree crossover operator. Reference: http://dces.essex.ac.uk/staff/rpoli/gp-field-guide/24RecombinationandMutation.html#7_4 |
Ccart::CartesianCrsOnePoint | Cartesian genotype: one point crossover operator |
Ccartesian::CartesianCrxHalfUniform | |
Ccartesian::CartesianCrxOnePoint | |
Ccartesian::CartesianCrxUniform | |
►CDataWriter | |
CFileDataWriter | |
Cquantum::DensityList | |
►Cboost::enable_shared_from_this | |
CState | State class - backbone of the framework |
►CErrorMetric | |
CMeanAbsoluteErrorMetric | |
CMeanAbsolutePercentageErrorMetric | |
CMeanSquareErrorMetric | |
►CEvaluateOp | Evaluation base class |
CAntEvalOp | Artificial ant evaluation class (and environment simulator) |
CEnvironment | Environment for the XCS algorithm |
CEvalOp | |
CEvalOp | |
CFunctionMaxEvalOp | |
CFunctionMaxEvalOp | |
CFunctionMinEvalOp | Function minimization evaluation class |
CFunctionMinEvalOp | Function minimization evaluation class |
CFunctionMinEvalOp | Function minimization evaluation class |
CFunctionMinEvalOp | Function minimization evaluation class |
CGEPSymbRegEvalOp | Symbolic regression evaluation operator |
CGPSymbRegEvalOp | Symbolic regression evaluation operator |
CMultipleClassEvalOp | |
COneMaxEvalOp | OneMax problem evaluation class |
COneMaxEvalOp | OneMax problem evaluation class |
CPrimeEvalOp | |
CPrimeEvalOp | |
►CProblem | |
CFlowshopEvalOp | |
CKnapsackEvalOp | |
CNQueensEvalOp | |
CQuantumEvalOp | |
CSchedulingEvalOp | |
CSchedulingEvalOp | |
CSymbRegEvalOp | Symbolic regression evaluation operator (using AP genotype) |
CSymbRegEvalOp | Symbolic regression evaluation operator (using AP genotype) |
CSymbRegEvalOp | Symbolic regression evaluation operator (using AP genotype) |
CSymbRegEvalOp | Symbolic regression evaluation operator (using AP genotype) |
CSymbRegEvalOp | Symbolic regression evaluation operator (using AP genotype) |
CSymbRegEvalOp | Symbolic regression evaluation operator (using AP genotype) |
CTSPEvalOp | TSP evaluation operator |
CEvaluator | |
CEvolutionContext | Evolutionary context class |
►CFitness | Fitness base class |
CFitnessMax | Fitness for maximization problems |
CFitnessMin | Fitness for minimization problems |
CLexiCaseFitnessMin | Fitness for minimization problems |
CLexiCaseFitnessMin | Fitness for minimization problems |
CLexiCaseFitnessMin | Fitness for minimization problems |
CMOFitness | |
►Ccart::Function | |
Ccart::Add< T > | |
Ccart::And< T > | |
Ccart::Cos< T > | |
Ccart::Div< T > | |
Ccart::Mul< T > | |
Ccart::Not< T > | |
Ccart::Or< T > | |
Ccart::Sin< T > | |
Ccart::Sub< T > | |
Ccart::Xnor< T > | |
Ccart::Xor< T > | |
►Ccartesian::Function< Container, Result > | |
Ccartesian::Add< Container, Result > | |
Ccartesian::Cos< Container, Result > | |
Ccartesian::Div< Container, Result > | |
Ccartesian::Max< Container, Result > | |
Ccartesian::Min< Container, Result > | |
Ccartesian::Mul< Container, Result > | |
Ccartesian::Neg< Container, Result > | |
Ccartesian::Nlog< Container, Result > | |
Ccartesian::Sin< Container, Result > | |
Ccartesian::Sq_exp< Container, Result > | |
Ccartesian::Sqrt< Container, Result > | |
Ccartesian::Step< Container, Result > | |
Ccartesian::Sub< Container, Result > | |
Ccartesian::FunctionSet | |
CQKD::Gate | |
►CGenotype | Genotype base class |
CBitString::BitString | BitString class - implements genotype as a series of bits |
CClassifierParams | Classifier data structure in XCS algorithm |
CGEPChromosome::GEPChromosome | GEPChromosome class - implements genotype as a Gene Expression Programming chromosome |
CIntGenotype::IntGenotype | |
CIntGenotype::IntGenotype | |
CPermutation::Permutation | Permutation class - implements genotype as a vector of indices 0..(n-1) (permutation of indices) |
►CRealValueGenotype | RealValueGenotype class - abstract genotype class for genotypes that represent a vector of real values (Binary, FloatingPoint) |
CBinary::Binary | Binary class - implements genotype as a vector of binary coded real values with variable interval and precision |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPoint | FloatingPoint class - implements genotype as a vector of floating point values |
CTree::APGenotype | Analytical Programing genotype class - implements genotype as a vector of floating point values that translates to Tree genotype |
CTree::APGenotype | Analytical Programing genotype class - implements genotype as a vector of floating point values that translates to Tree genotype |
►CTree::Tree | Tree class - implements genotype as a tree |
CTree::IATree | |
CTree::MyTree | |
Ccart::Cartesian | |
Ccartesian::Cartesian | |
CIABounds | |
►CIAPrimitive | |
CIAAdd | |
CIAConstTerminal | |
CIACos | |
CIADiv | |
CIALog | |
CIAMul | |
CIASin | |
CIASqrt | |
CIASub | |
CIATerminal | |
CPermutation::IndexBackedPermutation | |
Cquantum::KetBra | |
CLogger::Log | |
CLogger | Logging class - handles screen output and file logging |
CMatrica | |
Calgebra::matrix | |
►CMove | |
CFlowshopMove | |
CKnapsackMove | |
CNQueensMove | |
Cmove | |
CMutation | Mutation class - handles mutation of individuals (as opposed to MutationOp class that mutates genotypes) |
►CMutationOp | MutationOp base class |
CBinary::BinaryMutMix | Binary genotype: mixing mutation operator |
CBinary::BinaryMutSimple | Binary genotype: simple (bit-flip) mutation operator |
CBitString::BitStringMutMix | BitString genotype mixing mutation operator |
CBitString::BitStringMutSimple | BitString genotype simple (one bit) mutation operator |
CFloatingPoint::FloatingPointMutSimple | FloatingPoint genotype: simple mutation where a single vector element is mutated. New value is random value from the given domain |
CGEPChromosome::GEPChromosomeMutGauss | GEPChromosome genotype: standard normal distribution noise mutation operator. Applicable only on ephemereal random constants (ERC) of type 'double' |
CGEPChromosome::GEPChromosomeMutOp | GEPChromosome genotype: node replacement mutation operator. Tries to replace the selected primitive with a different one, conforming to the restrictions of the domain where it is located |
CIntGenotype::IntGenotypeMutOp | |
CIntGenotype::IntGenotypeMutOp | |
CPermutation::PermutationMutIns | Permutation genotype: insert mutation operator (see e.g. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2007.10.013) |
CPermutation::PermutationMutInv | Permutation genotype: inversion mutation operator (see e.g. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2007.10.013) |
CPermutation::PermutationMutToggle | Permutation genotype: toggle mutation operator (see e.g. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2007.10.013) |
CTree::TreeMutGauss | Tree genotype: standard normal distribution noise mutation operator. Applicable only on ephemereal random constants (ERC) of type 'double' |
CTree::TreeMutHoist | Tree genotype: mutation operator that replaces original tree with a randomly chosen subtree from the original tree |
CTree::TreeMutNodeComplement | Tree genotype: complement node mutation operator. For the operator to succeed, the chosen primitive must have a defined complement |
CTree::TreeMutNodeReplace | Tree genotype: node replacement mutation operator. Tries to replace the selected primitive with a different one with the same number of arguments |
CTree::TreeMutPermutation | Tree genotype: permutation mutation operator |
CTree::TreeMutShrink | Tree genotype: mutation operator that shrinks randomly chosen subtree |
CTree::TreeMutSubtree | Tree genotype: subtree size-fair mutation operator. This is a 'standard' GP subtree mutation |
Ccart::CartesianMutOnePoint | Cartesian genotype: one point mutation operator |
Ccartesian::MutateConnection | |
Ccartesian::MutateConnectionSilent | |
Ccartesian::MutateFunction | |
Ccartesian::MutateFunctionSilent | |
Ccartesian::MutateFunctionSwap | |
Ccartesian::MutateIntoSilent | |
CTree::my_type | |
CTree::Node | Node base class (Tree genotype) |
►COperator | Abstract operator class |
CEvaluateAlternate | |
CHallOfFame | Records a set of best-so-far individuals |
CMigration | Migration class - handles individual migration between demes |
CStatCalc | Statistics calculation class |
CTermFitnessValOp | Termination operator: terminates on a given fitness value |
CTermMaxEvalOp | Termination operator: terminates on a given number of fitness evaluations |
CTermMaxGenOp | Termination operator: terminates on a given number of generations |
CTermMaxTimeOp | Termination operator: terminates on a given elapsed time |
CTermStagnationOp | Termination operator: terminates when no improvement occurs in best individual for a given number of generations |
CWriteBest | |
CWriteBest | |
CWriteBest | |
CWriteBest | |
CWriteTT | |
CECF::Param | ECF parameter structure, as stored in the Registry |
►CPath | |
CFlowshopPath | |
CKnapsackPath | |
CNQueensPath | |
CpathState | |
►CTree::Primitives::Primitive | Base primitive class (Tree genotype) |
►CTree::Primitives::ERC< double > | |
►CTree::Primitives::ERCD | Ephemereal random constant (ERC) node of type double (Tree genotype) |
CAnd | |
CAnd2 | |
CBoolV | |
CIf | |
CIfFoodAhead | GP function, checks if the food is ahead |
CMod | |
CMod | |
CMoveAhead | GP terminal, moves the ant one square ahead |
CNand | |
CNor | |
CNot | |
COr | |
CProg2 | GP function, executes 2 subtrees in sequence |
CProg3 | GP function, executes 3 subtrees in sequence |
CSqrt | |
CSqrt | |
CTree::MyFunc | |
CTree::MyTerminal | |
►CTree::Primitives::AddT< T > | Add function primitive (Tree genotype) |
CIAAdd | |
►CTree::Primitives::Cos | Cos function primitive (Tree genotype) |
CIACos | |
►CTree::Primitives::DivT< T > | Div function primitive (Tree genotype) |
CDivInt | |
CDivInt | |
CIADiv | |
CTree::Primitives::ERC< T > | Ephemereal random constant (ERC) node class (Tree genotype) |
►CTree::Primitives::Log | Log function primitive (Tree genotype) |
CIALog | |
CTree::Primitives::MaxT< T > | Max function primitive (Tree genotype) |
CTree::Primitives::MinT< T > | Min function primitive (Tree genotype) |
►CTree::Primitives::MulT< T > | Mul function primitive (Tree genotype) |
CIAMul | |
CTree::Primitives::NegT< T > | Neg function primitive (Tree genotype) |
CTree::Primitives::PosT< T > | Pos function primitive (Tree genotype) |
►CTree::Primitives::Sin | Sin function primitive (Tree genotype) |
CIASin | |
►CTree::Primitives::Sqrt | Sqrt function primitive (Tree genotype) |
CIASqrt | |
►CTree::Primitives::SubT< T > | Sub function primitive (Tree genotype) |
CIASub | |
►CTree::Primitives::TerminalT< T > | Terminal tree node class (Tree genotype) |
CIAConstTerminal | |
CIATerminal | |
CTurnLeft | GP terminal, turns the ant left |
CTurnRight | GP terminal, turns the ant right |
CXNor | |
CXor | |
CTree::PrimitiveSet | Primitive set class: collects all Tree Primitives |
CTree::PrimitiveSetAP | Primitive set class for APGenotype: collects all Tree Primitives |
Cproblem | |
►CRandomizer | Abstract Randomizer class |
CSimpleRandomizer | A simple randomizer that uses in-built random number generator |
CReadPar | |
CRegistry | Repository for all the system parameters |
CRPN | |
►CSelectionOperator | Selection operator base class |
CSelBestOp | Best individual selection operator |
CSelFitnessProportionalOp | Fitness proportional (and inverse proportional) individual selection operator |
CSelRandomOp | Random individual selection operator |
CSelWorstOp | Worst individual selection operator |
►CSLAJ | |
CLUdek | |
Csolution | |
CsolverState | |
CQKD::Stats | |
►Cstd::vector | |
CDeme | Deme class - inherits a vector of Individual objects |
CGEPChromosome::GEPChromosome | GEPChromosome class - implements genotype as a Gene Expression Programming chromosome |
CIndividual | Individual class - inherits a vector of Genotype objects |
CMOFitness | |
CPopulation | Population class - inherits a vector of Deme objects |
CTree::Tree | Tree class - implements genotype as a tree |
Ccart::Cartesian | |
Ccartesian::Cartesian | |
►Cvector | |
Ccart::FunctionSet | |
CXCSParams | Parameters for the XCS algorithm |