ECF 1.5
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAlgorithmAlgorithm base class
 CClassifierClassifier class that holds all parameters and pointer to individual to which the parameters belong
 CComm::CommunicatorCommunicator class for interprocess communication
 CCrossoverCrossover class - handles crossover of individuals (as opposed to CrossoverOp class that crosses genotypes)
 CCrossoverOpCrossoverOp base class
 CEvaluateOpEvaluation base class
 CEvolutionContextEvolutionary context class
 CFitnessFitness base class
 Ccartesian::Function< Container, Result >
 CGenotypeGenotype base class
 CLoggerLogging class - handles screen output and file logging
 CMutationMutation class - handles mutation of individuals (as opposed to MutationOp class that mutates genotypes)
 CMutationOpMutationOp base class
 CTree::NodeNode base class (Tree genotype)
 COperatorAbstract operator class
 CECF::ParamECF parameter structure, as stored in the Registry
 CTree::Primitives::PrimitiveBase primitive class (Tree genotype)
 CTree::PrimitiveSetPrimitive set class: collects all Tree Primitives
 CTree::PrimitiveSetAPPrimitive set class for APGenotype: collects all Tree Primitives
 CRandomizerAbstract Randomizer class
 CRegistryRepository for all the system parameters
 CSelectionOperatorSelection operator base class
 CXCSParamsParameters for the XCS algorithm