void | registerParameters (StateP state) |
| Register algorithm's parameters (if any). More...
bool | initialize (StateP state) |
| Initialize the algorithm, read parameters from the system, do a sanity check. More...
bool | advanceGeneration (StateP state, DemeP deme) |
| Perform a single generation on a single deme. More...
std::string | getName () |
| Get algorithm name. Each algorithm is uniquely identified with its name. More...
virtual bool | isParallel () |
| Is algorithm parallel (false by default for all algorithms not inheriting ParallelAlgorithm class). More...
bool | isImplicitParallel () |
| Is algorithm run in implicit parallel mode (in development, see tutorial). More...
virtual bool | advanceGeneration (StateP, DemeP)=0 |
| Perform a single generation on a single deme. More...
virtual bool | initialize (StateP) |
| Initialize the algorithm, read parameters from the system, do a sanity check. More...
virtual void | registerParameters (StateP) |
| Register algorithm's parameters (if any). More...
virtual bool | initializePopulation (StateP) |
| Evaluate initial population (called by State::run before evolution starts). More...
virtual void | read () |
virtual bool | advanceGeneration (StateP state) |
| Perform one generation of the algorithm on the whole population. More...
void | evaluate (IndividualP ind) |
| Helper function: evaluate an individual. More...
uint | mutate (const std::vector< IndividualP > &pool) |
| Helper function: send a vector of individuals to mutation. More...
uint | mutate (const IndividualP victim) |
| Helper function: send a single individual to mutation. More...
void | replaceWith (IndividualP oldInd, IndividualP newInd) |
| Helper function: replace an individual in current deme. More...
void | replaceWith (uint oldIndId, IndividualP newInd) |
| Helper function: replace an individual at given position in current deme. More...
void | registerParallelParameters (StateP state) |
| used only in parallel ECF More...
bool | initializeParallel (StateP state) |
| used only in parallel ECF More...
virtual bool | advanceGeneration (StateP state) |
| Parallel ECF: Perform one generation of the algorithm.
virtual void | bcastTermination (StateP state) |
| Parallel ECF: broadcast termination to worker processes. More...
void | registerParallelParameters (StateP state) |
| Parallel ECF: Register parameters for implicit parallel algorithm version.
bool | initializeParallel (StateP state) |
| Parallel ECF: Initialize implicit parallel algorithm.
void | initializeImplicit (StateP state) |
| Parallel ECF: Initialize implicit parallel mode. More...
bool | implicitParallelOperate (StateP state) |
| Parallel ECF: Worker processes in implicit parallel algorithm. More...
void | evaluate (IndividualP ind) |
| Parallel ECF: evaluate an individual. More...
void | implicitEvaluate (IndividualP ind) |
| Parallel ECF: implicitly evaluate an individual (store for later evaluation in implicit parallel version). More...
uint | mutate (const IndividualP victim) |
| Parallel ECF: immediately mutate an individual. More...
uint | mutate (const std::vector< IndividualP > &pool) |
| Parallel ECF: mutate a vector of individuals. More...
uint | implicitMutate (IndividualP ind) |
| Parallel ECF: implicitly mutate an individual (store for later mutation in implicit parallel version). More...
void | replaceWith (IndividualP oldInd, IndividualP newInd) |
| Parallel ECF: replace an individual in a deme.
void | replaceWith (uint oldIndId, IndividualP newInd) |
| Parallel ECF: replace an individual at given position in a deme. More...
bool | mate (IndividualP p1, IndividualP p2, IndividualP child) |
| Helper function: crossover two individuals. More...
IndividualP | copy (IndividualP source) |
| Helper function: make a copy of an individual. More...
bool | removeFrom (IndividualP victim, std::vector< IndividualP > &pool) |
| Helper function: remove victim from pool of individual pointers. More...
bool | isMember (IndividualP single, std::vector< IndividualP > &pool) |
| Helper function: check if individual is in the pool. More...
Definition at line 14 of file main.cpp.