ECF 1.5
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAlgAEliGpeaAsynchronous elimination global parallel algorithm
 CAlgAEliGpea2Asynchronous elimination global parallel algorithm (outdated version)
 CAlgorithmAlgorithm base class
 CAlgSGenGpeaSynchronous generational global parallel algorithm
 CAntEvalOpArtificial ant evaluation class (and environment simulator)
 CArtificialBeeColonyArtificial Bee Colony algorithm (see e.g.
 CClassifierClassifier class that holds all parameters and pointer to individual to which the parameters belong
 CClassifierParamsClassifier data structure in XCS algorithm
 CClonalgClonal Selection Algorithm (see e.g.
 CCrossoverCrossover class - handles crossover of individuals (as opposed to CrossoverOp class that crosses genotypes)
 CCrossoverOpCrossoverOp base class
 CCuckooSearchCuckoo search (CS) optimization algorithm (see
 CDemeDeme class - inherits a vector of Individual objects
 CDifferentialEvolutionDifferential evolution (DE) optimization algorithm (see e.g.
 CEliminationElimination (generation gap) algorithm with roulette wheel elimination selection operator
 CEnvironmentEnvironment for the XCS algorithm
 CEvaluateOpEvaluation base class
 CEvolutionContextEvolutionary context class
 CEvolutionStrategy(mu/rho +/, lambda) - Evolution Strategy (ES) algorithm
 CFitnessFitness base class
 CFitnessMaxFitness for maximization problems
 CFitnessMinFitness for minimization problems
 CFunctionMinEvalOpFunction minimization evaluation class
 CGeneticAnnealingGenetic annealing algorithm (see e.g.,
 CGenHookeJeevesNew algorithm, in development
 CGenotypeGenotype base class
 CGEPSymbRegEvalOpSymbolic regression evaluation operator
 CGPSymbRegEvalOpSymbolic regression evaluation operator
 CHallOfFameRecords a set of best-so-far individuals
 CIfFoodAheadGP function, checks if the food is ahead
 CIndividualIndividual class - inherits a vector of Genotype objects
 CLexiCaseFitnessMinFitness for minimization problems
 CLoggerLogging class - handles screen output and file logging
 CMigrationMigration class - handles individual migration between demes
 CMoveAheadGP terminal, moves the ant one square ahead
 CMutationMutation class - handles mutation of individuals (as opposed to MutationOp class that mutates genotypes)
 CMutationOpMutationOp base class
 COneMaxEvalOpOneMax problem evaluation class
 COperatorAbstract operator class
 COptIAOptimization Immune Algorithm (opt-IA, see e.g.
 CParallelAlgorithmParallel algorithm base class
 CParticleSwarmOptimizationParticle swarm optimization algorithm (see e.g.
 CPopulationPopulation class - inherits a vector of Deme objects
 CProg2GP function, executes 2 subtrees in sequence
 CProg3GP function, executes 3 subtrees in sequence
 CRandomizerAbstract Randomizer class
 CRandomSearchRandom search algorithm
 CRealValueGenotypeRealValueGenotype class - abstract genotype class for genotypes that represent a vector of real values (Binary, FloatingPoint)
 CRegistryRepository for all the system parameters
 CRouletteWheelGenerational algorithm with roulette wheel selection operator
 CSelBestOpBest individual selection operator
 CSelectionOperatorSelection operator base class
 CSelFitnessProportionalOpFitness proportional (and inverse proportional) individual selection operator
 CSelRandomOpRandom individual selection operator
 CSelWorstOpWorst individual selection operator
 CSimpleRandomizerA simple randomizer that uses in-built random number generator
 CStatCalcStatistics calculation class
 CStateState class - backbone of the framework
 CSteadyStateTournamentSteady state algorithm with tournament elimination operator
 CSymbRegEvalOpSymbolic regression evaluation operator (using AP genotype)
 CTermFitnessValOpTermination operator: terminates on a given fitness value
 CTermMaxEvalOpTermination operator: terminates on a given number of fitness evaluations
 CTermMaxGenOpTermination operator: terminates on a given number of generations
 CTermMaxTimeOpTermination operator: terminates on a given elapsed time
 CTermStagnationOpTermination operator: terminates when no improvement occurs in best individual for a given number of generations
 CTreeCrxSimpleTree genotype: simple tree crossover operator. Reference:
 CTSPEvalOpTSP evaluation operator
 CTurnLeftGP terminal, turns the ant left
 CTurnRightGP terminal, turns the ant right
 CXCSXCS classifier system
 CXCSParamsParameters for the XCS algorithm