ECF 1.5
Modules | Classes




class  Tree::APGenotype
 Analytical Programing genotype class - implements genotype as a vector of floating point values that translates to Tree genotype. More...
class  Tree::PrimitiveSetAP
 Primitive set class for APGenotype: collects all Tree Primitives. More...
class  Binary::Binary
 Binary class - implements genotype as a vector of binary coded real values with variable interval and precision. More...
class  Binary::BinaryCrsHalfUniform
 Binary genotype: half uniform crossover operator. More...
class  Binary::BinaryCrsOnePoint
 Binary genotype: one point crossover operator. More...
class  Binary::BinaryCrsReducedSurrogate
 Binary genotype: reduced surrogate crossover operator. More...
class  Binary::BinaryCrsSegmented
 Binary genotype: segmented crossover operator. More...
class  Binary::BinaryCrsShuffle
 Binary genotype: shuffle crossover operator. More...
class  Binary::BinaryCrsTwoPoint
 Binary genotype: two point crossover operator. More...
class  Binary::BinaryCrsUniform
 Binary genotype: uniform crossover operator. More...
class  Binary::BinaryMutMix
 Binary genotype: mixing mutation operator. More...
class  Binary::BinaryMutSimple
 Binary genotype: simple (bit-flip) mutation operator. More...
class  BitString::BitString
 BitString class - implements genotype as a series of bits. More...
class  BitString::BitStringCrsOnePoint
 BitString genotype: one point crossover operator. More...
class  BitString::BitStringCrsUniform
 BitString genotype uniform crossover operator. More...
class  BitString::BitStringMutMix
 BitString genotype mixing mutation operator. More...
class  BitString::BitStringMutSimple
 BitString genotype simple (one bit) mutation operator. More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPoint
 FloatingPoint class - implements genotype as a vector of floating point values. More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsArithmetic
 FloatingPoint genotype: offspring is defined as a linear combination of two vectors. More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsArithmeticSimple
 FloatingPoint genotype: take recombination point k. Child 1 is parent1 until k, rest is arithmetic average of parents. More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsArithmeticSingle
 FloatingPoint genotype: take random allele k. That point is arithmetic average of parents, other points are from parents. More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsAverage
 FloatingPoint genotype: child is average value of parent genes. More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsBga
 FloatingPoint genotype: BGA crossover (, More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsBlxAlpha
 FloatingPoint genotype: BLX alpha crossover ( More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsBlxAlphaBeta
 FloatingPoint genotype: BLX alpha-beta crossover ( More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsDiscrete
 FloatingPoint genotype: allele value for each gene is either from parent1 or from parent2 with equal probability. More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsFlat
 FloatingPoint genotype: value on allele i is random value taken from min-max interval from parents. More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsHeuristic
 FloatingPoint genotype: value on allele i smaller gene value + rand value * (greater - smaller value) More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsLocal
 FloatingPoint genotype: local crossover ( More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsOnePoint
 FloatingPoint genotype: one point crossover operator with permissible split points only between dimensions. More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsRandom
 FloatingPoint genotype: random crossover, for testing purposes. More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointCrsSbx
 FloatingPoint genotype: SBX crossover (, More...
class  FloatingPoint::FloatingPointMutSimple
 FloatingPoint genotype: simple mutation where a single vector element is mutated. New value is random value from the given domain. More...
class  Genotype
 Genotype base class. More...
class  Permutation::Permutation
 Permutation class - implements genotype as a vector of indices 0..(n-1) (permutation of indices) More...
class  Permutation::PermutationCrsCOSA
 Permutation genotype: COSA crossover operator (adapted from HeuristicLab) More...
class  Permutation::PermutationCrsCyclic
 Permutation genotype: Cyclic crossover operator (see e.g. More...
class  Permutation::PermutationCrsCyclic2
 Permutation genotype: Cyclic version 2 crossover operator (adapted from HeuristicLab) More...
class  Permutation::PermutationCrsDPX
 Permutation genotype: DPX crossover operator (see e.g. More...
class  Permutation::PermutationCrsOBX
 Permutation genotype: Order based crossover operator (see e.g. More...
class  Permutation::PermutationCrsOPX
 Permutation genotype: OPX crossover operator (see e.g. More...
class  Permutation::PermutationCrsOX
 Permutation genotype: OX crossover operator (see e.g. More...
class  Permutation::PermutationCrsOX2
 Permutation genotype: Order crossover operator variant where algorithm starts from the beginning when copying the values from second parent (adapted from HeuristicLab) More...
class  Permutation::PermutationCrsPBX
 Permutation genotype: PBX crossover operator (see e.g. More...
class  Permutation::PermutationCrsPMX
 Permutation genotype: PMX crossover operator (see e.g. More...
class  Permutation::PermutationCrsSPX
 Permutation genotype: SPX crossover operator (see e.g. More...
class  Permutation::PermutationCrsULX
 Permutation genotype: Uniform like crossover operator (see e.g. More...
class  Permutation::PermutationCrsUPMX
 Permutation genotype: UMPX crossover operator (see e.g. More...
class  Permutation::PermutationMutIns
 Permutation genotype: insert mutation operator (see e.g. More...
class  Permutation::PermutationMutInv
 Permutation genotype: inversion mutation operator (see e.g. More...
class  Permutation::PermutationMutToggle
 Permutation genotype: toggle mutation operator (see e.g. More...
class  RealValueGenotype
 RealValueGenotype class - abstract genotype class for genotypes that represent a vector of real values (Binary, FloatingPoint) More...
class  Tree::Primitives::AddT< T >
 Add function primitive (Tree genotype) More...
class  Tree::Primitives::Cos
 Cos function primitive (Tree genotype) More...
class  Tree::Primitives::DivT< T >
 Div function primitive (Tree genotype) More...
class  Tree::Primitives::MaxT< T >
 Max function primitive (Tree genotype) More...
class  Tree::Primitives::MinT< T >
 Min function primitive (Tree genotype) More...
class  Tree::Primitives::MulT< T >
 Mul function primitive (Tree genotype) More...
class  Tree::Primitives::NegT< T >
 Neg function primitive (Tree genotype) More...
class  Tree::Node
 Node base class (Tree genotype) More...
class  Tree::Primitives::PosT< T >
 Pos function primitive (Tree genotype) More...
class  Tree::Primitives::Primitive
 Base primitive class (Tree genotype). More...
class  Tree::PrimitiveSet
 Primitive set class: collects all Tree Primitives. More...
class  Tree::Primitives::Sin
 Sin function primitive (Tree genotype) More...
class  Tree::Primitives::SubT< T >
 Sub function primitive (Tree genotype) More...
class  Tree::Primitives::TerminalT< T >
 Terminal tree node class (Tree genotype). More...
class  Tree::Primitives::ERC< T >
 Ephemereal random constant (ERC) node class (Tree genotype). More...
class  Tree::Primitives::ERCD
 Ephemereal random constant (ERC) node of type double (Tree genotype). More...
class  Tree::Tree
 Tree class - implements genotype as a tree. More...
class  Tree::TreeCrxContextPreserved
 Tree genotype: context presevation crx operator. Tries to make crossover at the 'same' point in both trees (with the same path from tree root node). Reference: More...
class  Tree::TreeCrxOnePoint
 Tree genotype: one point crx operator. Tries to select a crossing point in parent tree's common region. Reference: More...
class  Tree::TreeCrxSimple
 Tree genotype: simple tree crossover operator (with default 90% bias toward functional node) Reference: More...
class  Tree::TreeCrxSizeFair
 Tree genotype: size fair crx operator. Reference: More...
class  Tree::TreeCrxUniform
 Tree genotype: uniform crx operator. Reference: More...
class  Tree::TreeMutGauss
 Tree genotype: standard normal distribution noise mutation operator. Applicable only on ephemereal random constants (ERC) of type 'double'. More...
class  Tree::TreeMutHoist
 Tree genotype: mutation operator that replaces original tree with a randomly chosen subtree from the original tree. More...
class  Tree::TreeMutNodeComplement
 Tree genotype: complement node mutation operator. For the operator to succeed, the chosen primitive must have a defined complement. More...
class  Tree::TreeMutNodeReplace
 Tree genotype: node replacement mutation operator. Tries to replace the selected primitive with a different one with the same number of arguments. More...
class  Tree::TreeMutPermutation
 Tree genotype: permutation mutation operator. More...
class  Tree::TreeMutShrink
 Tree genotype: mutation operator that shrinks randomly chosen subtree. More...
class  Tree::TreeMutSubtree
 Tree genotype: subtree size-fair mutation operator. This is a 'standard' GP subtree mutation. More...
class  GEPChromosome::GEPChromosome
 GEPChromosome class - implements genotype as a Gene Expression Programming chromosome. More...
class  GEPChromosome::GEPChromosomeCrsGene
 GEPChromosome genotype: gene crx operator. Selects a gene number and swaps it between both parents. More...
class  GEPChromosome::GEPChromosomeCrsOnePoint
 GEPChromosome genotype: one point crx operator. Selects a crossing point from which to exchange genetic information. More...
class  GEPChromosome::GEPChromosomeCrsTwoPoint
 GEPChromosome genotype: two point crx operator. Selects two crossing points between which to exchange genetic information. More...
class  GEPChromosome::GEPChromosomeMutGauss
 GEPChromosome genotype: standard normal distribution noise mutation operator. Applicable only on ephemereal random constants (ERC) of type 'double'. More...
class  GEPChromosome::GEPChromosomeMutOp
 GEPChromosome genotype: node replacement mutation operator. Tries to replace the selected primitive with a different one, conforming to the restrictions of the domain where it is located. More...
class  Tree::Primitives::Log
 Log function primitive (Tree genotype) More...
class  Tree::Primitives::Sqrt
 Sqrt function primitive (Tree genotype) More...

Detailed Description