1#ifndef AlgGenHookeJeeves_h
2#define AlgGenHookeJeeves_h
19 std::vector<double> delta_;
20 std::vector<bool> changed_;
21 std::vector<bool> converged_;
23 double precision_, initialMove_;
24 double lbound_, ubound_;
26 bool areGenotypesAdded_;
27 SelectionOperatorP selFitPropOp_, selBestOp_, selRandomOp_;
29typedef boost::shared_ptr<GenHookeJeeves> GenHookeJeevesP;
new algorithm, in development
bool advanceGeneration(StateP state, DemeP deme)
Perform a single generation on a single deme.
void registerParameters(StateP state)
Register algorithm's parameters (if any).
bool initialize(StateP state)
Initialize the algorithm, read parameters from the system, do a sanity check.